Dipti Fire Services (DFS) is your professional advisor for all fire-fighting equipment, particularly in the field of portable & wheeled fire extinguishers.Dipti Fire Services it has a team of expert technicians and service engineers who work 24/7 on-board and in-house to deliver real time, reliable and efficient services to its clients.
Halon System

- Weighing manually and by Isotope liquid level indicator.
- On the same lines of Co2 system.
Portable & Wheeled Fire Extinguishers

- Servicing, refilling & maintenance of portable/wheeled fire extinguishers
- Hydraulic pressure testing for all types of fire extinguishers
Fixed Fire Fighting System Co2 System

- Weigh manually and by Isotope liquid level indicator.
- On the same lines of Co2 system.
- Hydraulic Pressure testing for fire extinguishers.
- Check release system and distribution valves.
- Inspect manually by weighing contents.
- Audit contents in fire extinguishers by Isotope liquid level indicator.
- Check contents of pilot fire extinguisher.
- Visually inspect all fire extinguisher valves.
- Check all fire extinguisher frames and connections for tightness.
- Manifold inspection for the above as may be required.
- Main Valve & Distribution valve inspection.
- Total flooding release system inspection.
- Release station inspection.
- Ventilation system audit.
- Doors, hinges and locks inspection.
- Instruction plates audit on installation.
- Reconnect system, seal and maintain in operational order and inspect date labels.
Foam System

- Inspect Foam tank and remote box including testing alarm switches.
- Service discharge monitor including lubrication of all moving joints.
- Inspect and service landing valve and branch pipe for Foam applicator.
- Check and service pressure relief valve.
- Test fire pump and foam pump.
- Check all feed valves and delivery valves.
- Service and test all in-line inductors (for Foam proportional system only)
Dry Powder System

- Complete system inspection
- Inspect dry powder unit and content.
- Inspect N2 cylinder content and regulator.
- Test remote boxes and check weight of pilot cylinder.
- Service discharge monitor including lubricating of moving joints.
- Check and service pressure relief valve.
- Inspect DP outlet station.
Breathing Apparatus

- SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus)
- ELSA (Emergency Life Saving Appliance)
- EEBD (Emergency Escape Breathing Device